If the banner is your choice of advertising tool, then you should understand how important the design aspect is. The design of a banner determines whether a banner printing materials can successfully influence people into your campaign or whatever you put on it. A good design would most likely mean a successful advertising and marketing, while bad one means that it will be difficult for you to convince people and gain new customers.
Even though you are absolutely free to design your banner however you want, in general, there are basics that you have to understand so that you can make a decent banner design. Here are some of them.
1. Banner Size
First thing first, consider the right size of the banner that is suitable for your needs. You have to first know where you want it to be put up so you can decide a size that is most befitting to that situation. You have to check with the printing service as well and confirm the available size. After this, you can go on ahead and design in on designing software according to the size that you already have in mind. This way, you can create a design in more accurate size.
2. Simple is better
Even though there is so much space on a banner, people won’t have the time to stop and read everything on it. Most likely, people would only pass by and spend a few short seconds to read your banner. So, you have to make sure that all the key information can be delivered within that short moment. Always make each glance count. Maintain the readers’ focus toward the most important thing or information on your banner and keep the content concise. Don’t clutter your banner design with too many words or information that may only confuse the readers and end up not getting read.
3. Choose high quality image
Of course, it is better if your banner can include images or graphics that can surely make it look interesting. However, you have to always make sure that the images used in your banner are of high quality and resolution, meaning that it should have at least 300 dpi to avoid getting stretched or pixelated upon printing. Print crisp images to make a better impression upon your brand and attract more people.
4. Process in CMYK
Both design and printing steps should be done with CMYK color processing. CMYK color processing uses cyan, magenta, yellow, and black to produce colors. Usually, this color mixing is most commonly used for printers. That’s why, to match it and avoid getting inaccurate color results, the design software that you use should also choose CMYK color display.
5. Proofread
This should be done after you’re finished with adding elements to your design. As you’re about to hand in your design to the printing shop or service, you have to make sure that it is completely mistake free. Proofreading checks for spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and perhaps ineffective or unnecessary sentence in your design.